Five Reasons to Give a Five Year Anniversary Ring

Don’t let the divorce myth scare you. You know the one: half of all marriages end in divorce. Total fallacy. Categorically untrue. But you know what is true? Every year of marriage deserves a celebration, especially the milestone years (one, five, ten, and so on). So when you hit the five-year anniversary, RING in the new year of marriage. Like what we did there?
For our first anniversary, my husband and I celebrated. I frankly don’t remember what it was though, so I can tell you that it did not sparkle or shine. Sparkle and shine, those are things I would remember. Since then, with kiddos running around, jobs keeping us on our toes, and life bustling around us, we haven’t done much with regard to anniversaries. So this time, with our next milestone anniversary looming just 15 months, two weeks, and four days away (but who’s counting?), I have already told him how I would like our marriage to be recognized.
I really want an anniversary band. And I think the five-year mark is just the right time. Here’s why:
- At the five-year mark, most couples have successfully moved past the honeymoon phase of their marriage. No longer immune to their partners’ idiosyncrasies and peculiarities, many a wife and husband have discovered their spouse is not actually perfect. But, by infinite grace, the marriage grows past that. Those personality facets that make your mate at once an odd duck and oddly endearing are more precious to you with each passing year. When you reach five years, it’s a perfect time to show your mate that your passion for who they are has not waned, but flourished.
- When a couple has been married for five years, it’s a good bet that they have achieved other milestones. They have probably moved into a new house, maybe had a baby or two, and perhaps experienced a job change. With all those other parts of married life, it can be all too easy sweep your anniversary celebrations under the rug of everyday life. So as you approach your five-year anniversary, give a little thought to your spouse. Plan to surprise them with a symbol of your enduring love: an anniversary band.
- After five years, sometimes it’s fun to shake things up a bit. A bride usually treasurers her engagement ring and wedding band. While anniversary bands are often worn on the left ring finger with her wedding set, many women these days are opting for a different approach. For example, when my husband presents me with this stunning white gold eternity band (hint hint), I will wear it on my right ring finger. It’s nice to know that no matter which ring catches my eye throughout the day, he will be the first thing that comes to my mind.
- For married couples with kids, we have the added pressure of ensuring our kids our learning what it means to have a successful marriage. Every move we make, every word we breathe is watched by the eagle-eyed mini-me’s living in our home. When I think about what kind of marriage I want my kids to have, I want them to know joy, happiness, fulfillment, overcoming struggles and disappointment, and a healthy respect for their partner. At its core, the anniversary ring serves to remind the couple of the life they have spent years building together, the ups and downs, and the highs and lows. Your spouse is a precious as gold and strong as a diamond. An anniversary ring is a literal representation of all the things you hope for your marriage and your children’s future marriages. I can’t think of a better example of hope and love for them to witness.
- You love your spouse and you think they deserve something truly magnificent. That’s really all that needs to be said about that.
As you approach your five-year wedding anniversary, reflect back on the last half-decade. Your spouse has been your rock, your shoulder to cry on, your best friend, and biggest fan. To honor the last five years and to look forward to the next five, surprise them with the truest symbol of enduring love: an anniversary band.
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